Rafael J. Dominguez '84 Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Endowment and Gift Planning
Established by family and friends in memory of Raf Dominquez ’84, these scholarships provide financial assistance to rising seniors who participate in the life of Good Counsel beyond the classroom and demonstrate a passion for the school and community through hard work and personal commitment.
Rafael J. Dominguez, former CFO of federal technology companies CRGT and McDonalds Bradley, Inc. husband to Kathy and father to daughter Gabriella, passed away on January 7, 2013. Raf was born in Bolivia and lived in many countries before his family settled in the United States. Raf enrolled at Our Lady of Good Counsel High School in September 1980. A dedicated student and strong athlete, he played Varsity Football for three years and Varsity Basketball for two years. Raf was extremely proud to have been an alumnus of Our Lady of Good Counsel, a school that prepared him well for college and provided him a strong network of friends. In his GC yearbook he wrote, “To the Class of ’84, please remember that you only live once, but if you live right, once is enough!”
Raf attended the University of Maryland College Park and graduated in 1988. He was a lifelong fan and supporter of the University’s athletic department and teams. He attended many games at Maryland and was very vocal in his support of the basketball team in particular.
After graduating from Maryland, he started his career at the accounting firm of Grant Thornton. He went on to have a variety of career opportunities, always bringing his great enthusiasm and strong work ethic to whatever endeavor he chose to pursue.
He joined McDonald Bradley as Chief Financial Officer in 2002. He was instrumental in the growth and success of the company, involving himself in every aspect of the business during that period through its successful sale to ManTech International in 2007. In 2008, Raf joined CRGT as CFO and Treasurer. He was key in growing the business to over $200 million in annual revenue and led several acquisitions.
His greatest success was not in the world of business. He was born into a wonderful family of hard-working parents of Cuban descent and three very accomplished brothers. He was blessed to meet and marry his true love. His wife, Kathy, and their daughter, Gabriella, were everything to Raf. He was always a family man first; Kathy and Gaby were the center of his life and his real success.
His professional colleagues, classmates, neighbors, and friends remember him as an incredibly talented, passionate, and caring person; full of life and joy; committed deeply to his faith, his family, his friends, his work, and to a number of charitable causes that were important to him. He was a fierce friend, tremendous leader, and loyal colleague to those who knew him.
- Caitlin Bossle '24
- Olivia Croff '24
- Martin Gaszner '23
- Luciana Wolcott ’22
- Daniel Velado ’21
- Yonathan Gonzalez ’21
- Ademitunde Adenuga ’20
- Cattleya Nora ’20
- Gabrielle Hernandez ’19
- Fiorella Cardozo Flores ’19
- Nia Hunt ’18
- Helton Alberto Rodriguez ’18
- Molly Stickell ’17
- Sofia Rebaudengo ’17