Whistleblower Policy

Our Lady of Good Counsel High School , Inc. (“OLGCHS”) accepts and investigates allegations of improper violations of OLGCHS’s code of ethics or suspected violations of laws or regulations that govern OLGCHS operations (“Violations”) by OLGCHS employees or where OLGCHS is potentially a victim of wrongdoing.
Because we do not undertake investigations without adequate cause, we need as much evidence as possible to corroborate the allegation(s) such as documents, witnesses, and other specific and relevant information. Investigating violations is more difficult if complaints are filed anonymously because of the difficulty of obtaining evidence to corroborate the alleged improper activity before we begin an investigation. If you choose to file your complaint anonymously, be sure to provide specific and relevant information including the first and last names of any individuals mentioned, their contact information, and the location address at which the improper activity occurred.
Whistleblower Description
Instructions | Whistleblower Report
- Application
- No Retaliation Policy
- Reporting Responsibility
- Reporting Procedures
- Compliance Officer
- Accounting and Auditing Matters
- Confidentiality
- Dissemination and Implementation of Policy