Health Services

• Per Maryland state law, all NEW (freshman and transfer) students are required to submit an Immunization Record before the start of school.
• Good Counsel does not recognize religious objections for required immunizations.
• Every student must have a NEW Physician Physical completed on the Good Counsel Form. The form is REQUIRED and should be downloaded from Magnus to take to your doctor’s appointment. (Can be completed by MD, NP or PA).
• New physical requirements must be completed upon enrolling at Good Counsel and every year thereafter. Physicals, along with all other Magnus requirements, are due August 1st.
• Please notify one of us if your child has had a change in health or medication after you have completed the above forms.
When your student is absent from school:
Complete the attendance form located in your Veracross portal.
When your student returns to school:
The student MUST go to the Attendance Office with a note from the parent before going to class. Your student may be sent to the Health Room for an assessment before being allowed to go to class.
If your student becomes ill at school:
The student should report to the Health Room for assessment. Once assessed, one of the nurses will contact the parent or guardian to arrange timely transportation if the student needs to go home.
Health Services include:
- Evaluation of sudden illnesses and injuries
- Medication administration
- First aid, emergency care and crisis intervention
- Health counseling for identified or potential health problems
- Development of care plans for students with chronic illness or unique needs
- Collaboration with students, parents, counselors, teachers, athletic trainers, administrators and community professionals to identify health concerns that may interfere with learning
- Health education and wellness
- Oversight of MAGNUS to ensure that all necessary paperwork and medical documentation is on file every year
Medication Policy
Concussion Protocol
Health Service Staff
Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.